by Deborah Shelton Wood
1 Gilbert BRADNER
+ Susannah
b: 1692 in Orange County, NY
+ Christian COLVILLE b: 1693 Scotland to Orange County, NY
d: 17 SEP 1759 Daughter of Alex, Colville and Christian Thompson.
3 Colville BRADNER
b: 1719 d: 1799
+ Margaret MOORE
4 John BRADNER d: 1812
+ Elizabeth CARR
5 Henry BRADNER b: 1804 d: 1836
Sarah Elizabeth JONES b: 1792 d: 1881
6 Thomas Jackson BRADNER b: ABT 1828
+ Jacksa Jane SHADRACH b: ABT 1828
Daughter of Harvey Shadrack/Shadrick and Sarah Bowers of NC.
Thomas J. and
Jacksa's daughter was
7 Mary Anderson BRADNER b: 31 DEC 1862
+ Asa Barton REYNOLDS b: 21 JUL 1845 d: 5 APR 1923
Asa and Mary "Polly" Bradner 's son was
Ewell Branson REYNOLDS b: 2 NOV
1882 d: 6 JUL 1959
+ Dorothea Maud COLEMAN b: 23 APR 1890 d: 28 DEC 1957
Ewell Branson. And Maud Reynolds' daughter
Madeline Alice Reynolds Shelton 1925-1982
of Wythe County, Virginia