My purpose is to share with my cousins,a bit about the Chiles
lineage as it relates to our families. Their exists several good websites that have many historical references
to Colonel Walter CHILES who came to America on the Ship, "Blessing", in the 1600's.
From "Walter Chiles of Jamestown" ~ "Walter Chiles came to America with very
little, an assistant to the purser on the ship "Blessing". Through hard work and dedication to the colony, he became a wealthy
man, held in high esteem by his fellow colonists. He excelled in business, as well as politics. Record of Examination
No. 301, 24 July 1637 shows the first mention of Walter Chiles of Bristol, a clothworker, aged 29 who signed his own name
to the document. It is speculated that "cloth worker" was his occupation prior to leaving England.".
"In 1649, Governor William Berkeley, sold the home known as the "Kemp House" in Jamestown to Walter Chiles for the sum
of 26,000 pounds of tobacco. It was the first brick home in America."
From Col. Walter CHILES of Jamestown who died circa 1653, the line
continues to Walter Chiles II.
Walter Chiles II married Susanna.*(see note at bottom of page) "
1642 (March) Walker Austin, Rice Hoe, Joseph Johnson, and Walter Chiles are given permission by the Va. House
of Burgesses to "undertake the discovery of of a new river west and southerly from the Appomattox." From :
Son of Walter and Susanna is Capt.Henry Chiles. Captain Henry Chiles was born circa 1661/1667 Jamestown, died after 1718 Henry County
Here is a simple chart showing descendancy from the above referenced Captain Henry Chiles ( wife unknown) down
the line. For allied lines, more dates and sources, please visit my rootsweb database, link below.
1 Henry CHILES b: 1661/1667 d: AFT 1718 2 Henry CHILES b: 29 Oct 1698 d: 10 Jun 1763
+ Ann HARRELSON b: ABT 1700 d: ABT 1760 3 Paul CHILES b: AFT 1719 d: AFT 1761
+ Anne ROWLAND 4 Elizabeth CHILES b: BEF 1761 d: AFT
1814 + John INGRAM b: 1730/1756 d: 1813
5 Nancy INGRAM b: ABT 1775 d: BEF 1844
+ Giles MARTIN b: ABT 1776 d: 4 Aug 1850
6 Leona MARTIN b: 4 Jan 1802 d: 5 Sep 1873
+ William GARDNER b: 5 Feb 1799 d: 28 Apr 1868
7 Amelia GARDNER b: 27 Apr 1827 d: 19 Dec 1894
+ Robert S COLEMAN b: 1822
8 Beuford Calhoun COLEMAN b: 1845
+ Margret WILLARD b: 1847
9 Dorothea Maud COLEMAN b: 23 Apr 1890 d: 28 Dec 1957
+ Ewell Branson REYNOLDS b: 2 Nov 1882 d: 6 Jul 1959
10 Madeline Alice REYNOLDS b: 13 Oct 1925 d: 25 Feb 1982
Transcription of the Last Will of Paul Chiles.

NOTE: FYI I find conflicting information on the wife/wives of Walter Chiles II. According
to this book: From: "Genealogy of the Wives of the American Presidents and Their First Two Generations of Descent Author Craig
Hart/ Publisher McFarland & Company Publication Date Nov 4, 2004" Walter Chiles married Susanna BROOKS.
accounts say she was a daughter of Col. John Page( of Jamestown), named Mary. From: The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol.
1, No. 2 (Oct., 1892), pp. 75-78
Col. John Page of Jamestown VA, died in 1692 York Co his Last Will aged 65, called
Elizabeth Tyler, wife of Henry Tyler, granddaughter, and John Chiles, his grandson. An order in York Court, June 25, 1683,
mentions Henry Tyler as having married Elizabeth Chiles. So there can be no doubt that Elizabeth Chiles was a daughter of
Mr. Walter Chiles and granddaughter of Lt. Col. Walter Chiles. She was born abt 1666." p 211
"The Letters and Times of the Tylers" By Lyon Gardiner Tyler
Pub 1896 Whittet and Shepperson
From "Genealogy of the Page Family in Virginia" by Richard C. M. Page, Pub., 1893. p. 19
" I my Grand son, John Tyler, son of my Grand daughter, Eliz. Tyler..." p. 20
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