Son of William SAYLE/SALE is Cornelius SALE, born about 1666 in Essex Co VA. He died on 17 Apr 1746 in St.
Ann Parish, Essex Co VA. He married Mary SAMUEL about 1690 in Essex Co VA.* (See Last Will of Anthony Samuel)
Cornelius made his will on Apr 3 1745 and it was probated on March 17, 1746
Son of Cornelius was William SALE who married Hannah JONES. Cornelius was born in 1692 in Essex Co VA. He died in 1744
in Caroline Co VA. "William had died before 1745 when his father made his Will. It appears that his wife, Hannah, had remarried
to a Blackbourn." "Hannah was the Administrator of William Sale, decedent in Caroline County, VA."
1787 Will of William Sale shows wife Ann and children, Cornelius, William, James,Robert, Leonard, John, Thomas, Elizabeth,
Frances, Molly Martin, Patty Allen, Sally Robards and Peggy Grant. source: JMartin Family list of Wills
In the name of God, Amen I, William Sale, of Wilkes County, in the State of North Carolina, being of perfect sense and of
sound memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of time and certainty of death, do make and ordain this my last will and testament
in manner and form following: Item 1. I lend to my beloved wife, Ann Sale, the use of all my whole estate, both real and personal
during her natural life and widow-hood, and after her decease to be left as follows: I give to my son Cornelius Sale five
shillings currency over and above what I have already given him for his pare (gun and dog already given). Patty Sale Allen,
daughter, same as above William Sale Jr., same as above Item 2. After the death of my widow Ann Sale, the remaining part of
my estate, the tract of land where I now live, containing 200 acres, be given and divided equal among my two sons, James and
Robert or their heirs. The remaining part of my estate, about 300 acres of mountain land be divided equal among my surviving
children: Leonard, John, Sally Thomas, Peggy, Molly, James and Elizabeth. This will was recorded in the records of the Clerk
of Court in Wilkes County, December 18, 1787.
Source:Patricia LaFevers Holsten
Son of William SALE was Cornelius SALE, born about 1750. He died after 1811. He married Sarah PARKS
on 22 Mar 1755 in VA.
Cornelius is listed in his father's WILL. The Will of Cornelius SALES was written in 1811. source: JMartin Family list
of Wills. It mentions wife, Sarah and children, Samuel, William ,Cornelius, ,Elizabeth, John, ,Elias, Susannah Green, Mary
Simonton, and Clary Tomson.
Cornelius served in the Revolutionary War; DAR record: SALE, Cornelius Birth:
Circa 1750 Service: NC Rank: CS PS Death: NC Before (ante) 2- -1811 Patriot Pensioned:
No Widow Pensioned: No Children Pensioned: No Heirs Pensioned: No Spouse:
"After the Revolutionary War, Cornelius was a brick mason and grist miller as well as a planter. He appears to have done
a lot of brick work for the Moravian community in Wilkes County (Moravian papers) He and his brother, Leonard Sale, appear
frequently in the court records, land records, etc. They served on the grand jury, wre appointed to various committies and
were overseers of road repairs. Cornelius made his Will but the date is not on record. In his Will proven in the February
term of court 1811, Wilkes County, NC he "lends" wife Sarah the plantation and land whereon he lived, Negro girl Vine and
Negro Harry for her lifetime, but Harry is to have his freedom at the death of said wife, Sarah. He bequeathed five shillings
Sterling above what had already been received to the following children: William, Mary Simonton, Cornelius, Elizabeth Turk,
John, and Susannah Greer. To his son, Elias, he bequeathed money, a good bed, a cow and calf and the Mill "in his care". To
his daughter, Clary Tomson, he bequeathed the two negroes, land and plantation Cornelius lived on at the decease of wife Sarah,
plus money, a good bed, a cow and calf. It is possible the children are named in order of birth. (Wilkes Will Book 2, page
320).." Source: Sandra McBride
My ancestors in the American Revolution
Proof of Elizabeth Sale, wife of James Anthony, daughter of William Sale.
* Last Will of Anthony Samuel
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