Presented by Deborah Shelton Wood
Jacob Chrisman was part of the first wagon train that opened up and
settled the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
As their grant of 750 acres from Hite, the Chrismans chose open ground
along the Indian trail seven miles south of the Shawnee Springs. The eastern boundary was the tree line along the valley floor,
and they later purchased some timber land from George Bowman. The large spring near which they built has been known since
1735 as Chrisman's Spring. Their deed from Hite is dated May 14, 1740, in the Orange County Court. Their house was two miles
south of Hite's, and about five miles each from the Bowmans to the south and the Fromans to the west.
One of the earliest roads built west of the Blue Ridge was from Hite's
Mill to Chrisman's Spring. And, in 1738, Jacob joined in a petition to the Orange County Court to have a road opened to the
Shenandoah River.
Jacob Chrisman born abt 1711 in Germany, came to Pennsylvania 16 Sep 1736 on the ship, Princess
" At the Courthouse of Philadelphia, Septr 16th 1736. Present The Honble James Logan, Esqr, Presidt. Thomas Lawrence, Thomas
Griffits Ralph Asheton, Esqrs. William Allen, Esqr, Mayor of the City of Philadia.
The Palatines whose Names are underwritten imported in the Ship Princess Augusta, Samuel Marchant, Master, from Rotterdam,
but last from Cowes, did this day take & subscribe the Oaths to the Government. "
Jacob (X) Christman age 25
27 May 1772: A will of John Chrisman in Augusta Co., Virginia, identifies the sons of Jacob as Abraham, Jacob, Joseph,
and Isaac, and their mother as Mary.
Jacob Chrisman's home built in the 1700's stands today. "The home was graciously offered and used as
a hospital during the Revolutionary War. George Washington stayed in the home as a guest of Jacob, as stated in his book,
"My Journey Over the Mountain". ...."
The 1785 Chrisman Manor Home |
The 1850's log home built on the Chrisman property |
Jacob Chrisman married Magdelena Hite, daughter of Hans Jost Hite and Anna Maria Merkle of Baden, Germany. Jacob
and Magdalena had ten children: Jacob, Abraham, Sarah, Anna Maria, Isaac, John, Rebecca, George, Henry and Magdalene.
Daughter, Anna Maria married Peter Stephens, Jr., son of Peter and Maria Christina Stephens . Their son, Lawrence Stephens
married Joanna Herbert who lived in Wythe County, Virginia later 1700's-mid 1800's.
They are my 5th greatgrandparents.
About the Hite family: In the spring of 1731, Jost Hite secured a grant of land and
organized a group of families to settle in the Shenandoah valley near present-day Winchester, Virginia. He is thus credited
in U.S. history books as the first white to settle west of the blue ridge mountains.
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Deborah Shelton Wood - All Rights Reserved